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Minor Surgery

Toenail surgery is a common procedure performed at Toorak Village Podiatry to treat ingrown toenails in particular and sometimes for fungal infections or damaged nails. We perform toenail surgery to relieve pain, discomfort or infection surrounding the toenail. There are different surgical techniques that we use, depending on the foot condition.

For ingrown toenails, surgical options include partial nail avulsion, temporary nail removal or permanent nail removal. Partial nail avulsion involves removing the edge of the ingrown nail and the excess tissue if required enabling the nail to grow properly. A chemical (Phenol) is applied to the nail base to permanently prevent regrowth in that section that is removed.

Toenail surgery is performed under local anaesthesia, which numbs the area and ensures you feel minimal discomfort. After the procedure, a dressing is applied and you will need to keep your foot elevated for a few hours afterwards to reduce swelling and discomfort and dry for 3-5 days.

The podiatrists at Toorak Village Podiatry are highly trained and experienced in toenail surgery and we will assess your individual foot condition to determine the best treatment approach. With careful consideration and aftercare, toenail surgery can be an efficient and effective solution for you.

Do you suffer from unsightly toe nail fungus? 

Have you tried other forms of treatment with little success? 

Finally you can get rid of your discoloured, cracked fungal toenails with the latest laser advances. This treatment is quick, effective and pain-free.

Recent clinical studies suggest that the results from laser nail fungus treatment may be as high as 85%.

To find out whether Laser treatment for toenail fungus is suitable for you please call Toorak Village Podiatry for an appointment.

How Does the Fox Nail Laser Work?

The Nail Laser heats the nail bed enough to kill the nail fungus. The skin below the nail bed conducts heat away as it is delivered and so while the treatment may feel hot, it will not burn your skin below or around the nail.

What Can I Expect During Treatment?

The laser light which produces the heat is moved evenly over the nail in a grid pattern. It will take 3 – 4 passes to complete the treatment to each nail, taking approximately 1 - 3 minutes per nail, a total of around 15 minutes.

Even the healthy looking nails get treated. Microscopic colonies may be present on other nails and all nails on the feet will be included with the nail treatment.

Patients report a heat sensation under the nail directly where the laser is passing. This is often felt more on the second or third passes. There is some discomfort experienced. If the heat gets too uncomfortable or intense the laser operator will adjust their treatment depending on your feedback.


  • The treatment of onychomycosis (nail fungus) to result in healthy nail growth. This will be a permanent cure unless the nail is re-infected.
  • You can go back to your normal daily activities and nail care following the treatment.


  • There have been no incidences of burns or overtreatments in all clinical studies done. Laser safety procedures are followed to make this a very safe procedure. However, the laser does produce a hot light which does have the potential to cause a superficial nail or skin burn.
  • There are no studies to prove the treatment is safe during pregnancy, so this contraindicates laser treatment.
  • Your podiatrist will assess you individually if you have diabetes, neuropathy or decreased sensation of the toes.
  • The treatment may not work for you. It may be the heat cannot penetrate through to the nail bed due to excessively thick or misshapen nails. In this case the treatment would be repeated. There is around a 15% chance that this treatment will not work for you.